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Thanks for Reading

Dear reader,

Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday. Generosity has long been one of our most closely held values, and generosity is borne out of gratitude. But 2020 has been different. 2020 has stretched our gratitude muscle in new ways.

For one, we’ve learned to appreciate those in our most immediate circle of relationships in new ways. Friends, family, colleagues that we zoom with six times a day, those with whom we choose to safely spend time. We’re grateful for our inner circle.

The next ring out is under particular pressure. Acquaintances, friends-of-friends, extended family, those relationships seem to be more challenged than ever.  Perhaps that is why our broadest ring, including our readers, feels particularly important to us this year. We recognize that our family of founders, startups, partners, and readers—the Loup family—is what sustains us as an organization, and for that we are grateful. Thanks for reading.

Andrew, Doug, Gene and the rest of the team at Loup


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